Changing Hearts

Saving Lives

Because unborn babies are made in God’s image and need protection from abortion

Many do not recognize the evil of abortion.

Reason for Life is working to change that!

We Encourage

Many Christian leaders are hesitant to address abortion. We help them see that sharing the truth about this subject is both essential and loving.

We Equip

We equip leaders with resources to help them effectively share biblical and scientific truths about the value of human life in the womb.

We Educate

We deliver powerful messages that use the Bible, science, and logic to show that we must value and protect unborn children.

What people are saying about Reason for Life

  • Samuel Green is a phenomenal educator and advocate for the pro-life movement. He is not just extremely well-versed in the logic of the pro-life position, but also the robust Scriptural precedents that make the pro-life position the Christian position. It was a blessing to have Samuel share with our young-adults group, and I highly recommend him!

    — David Wright, Pastor of Fellowship Groups, Reston Bible Church

  • The topic of the Sanctity of Life is a politically charged issue that evokes strong emotions for so many on both sides of this issue. Because this is such an emotionally charged subject, often it is challenging to find someone who can speak to this issue from a Godly perspective with compassion and intellect. One needs to look no further than Samuel Green at Reason for Life. I can think of no one better suited to speak on this topic for a Sunday morning service or conference.

    — Thomas E. Clarke, Senior Pastor, Living Springs Foursquare Church

  • Samuel Green from Reason for Life shared the most compassionate, compelling, and uncompromising presentation on the infinite value of the unborn that I have ever witnessed. He also facilitated an intriguing and informative Q & A time with our church’s young adults’ group and answered every question with such grace and expertise. His heart of compassion for people, including the unborn, is unmatched. It was truly a pleasure to work with Samuel and Reason for Life!

    — Tim Werking, College & Career Pastor, Two Rivers Church

  • Samuel Green's message on the sanctity of life was clear, concise, scripturally based, and well received by my congregation. Two of my children (ages 10 and 12) said they understood his sermon and have been praying nightly for Samuel's ministry at Reason for Life. Samuel shows quite clearly from God's word that a child in the womb is a human created in the image of God—a truth that every Christian should hear. His clarity is only surpassed by his humble charm as he presents his message.

    — Caleb Schroeder, Senior Pastor, Faith Community Church

  • Samuel's talk is well reasoned, biblically grounded, and very well presented. Our students greatly appreciated the depth of content combined with the Christ like attitude with which Samuel presented this very important topic for such a time as this.

    — Kyle Maestri, Headmaster, Trinity Christian School

  • Samuel Green does an excellent job of bringing clarity and a Biblical worldview to the abortion issue. For any church looking to increase their understanding and possibly their involvement in the right to life message, I heartily recommend having Bro. Green speak at their church.

    — Brian Dunlop, Pastor, Lighthouse Baptist Church of La Verne

  • I had the privilege of hearing Samuel preach at my church and speak at a pro-life summit.... Samuel not only understands the need for the church to rise up and take a firm stand on life, but he also understands that many in the church are wounded by their participation in abortion. With that knowledge, his plea to church leaders is twofold: speak the truth and wrap the message in grace. Being post-abortive myself, I didn’t feel condemned or judged by the truth he shared. Rather, I felt loved and encouraged to be a stronger voice for life. If you are a church leader and have been hesitant to speak about abortion, please talk with Samuel; he can help you.

    — Susan Swafford, Ministry & Training Director, Broken from Silence

  • We had the privilege of hosting Mr. Green for a Life presentation to our Junior High and High School students. He did an outstanding job of presenting the issue clearly, in a manner that would not be considered provocative or offensive, and answered the tough questions of our students with grace. I really appreciate the ministry of Reason for Life and would welcome Mr. Green to come again in the future.

    — Dick Buckingham, Administrator, Faith Christian School

  • Using the Bible, science, and logic, Brother Samuel delivered a compelling sermon about the value of life in the womb. He handled the delicate topic of abortion with sensitivity and presented the truth in love.

    The message was well received by my congregation, and I encourage other churches to benefit from Brother Samuel’s teachings about the sanctity of life.

    — Dr. George Pallil, Pastor, South Pasadena Assembly of God

  • Samuel came to speak at our youth group. His demeanor of grace and humility has a way of defusing a tense topic. The gospel of grace and forgiveness is clear and up front, and the truth about abortion and the value of unborn human life is uncompromising and compelling. We also had a Q&A time after the presentation, which he handled with genuine care and expertise. Our students and student leaders all walked away very appreciative that this topic was addressed head on.

    — David Parker, Youth Pastor, Blue Ridge Bible Church

  • I was inspired by Samuel Green’s Biblical explanation of the importance of saving the lives of children in the womb. He was engaging and exceptionally knowledgeable on the subject, and the congregation received him with open arms. His message motivated and equipped those who were already in agreement and moved the hearts of those who were undecided. He left a memorable impression with the people, and we are hoping to have him back again in the future.

    — Chuck Cannizzaro, Senior Pastor, New Heart Foursquare Church

  • We were pleased to have Samuel speak to our middle school and high school youth groups about abortion. He had a gracious spirit as he presented the topic....

    He presented a rock solid pro-life case from a secular perspective. Then he taught how the Bible has already imparted for thousands of years what modern science demonstrates to be true. The respect for Samuel as a speaker on this topic went even higher among students and leaders when he responded to the most difficult questions with precise and loving answers.

    — Greg O’Dell, Associate Pastor, Cherrydale Baptist Church

  • Over my many decades in ministry, I’ve never heard the biblical case for life presented in such a moving, logical, and convincing way as when Samuel Green preached at my church. I’m so thankful that Reason for Life is bringing the pro‑life message to churches with grace and truth.

    — Sharon Toyne

  • Mr. Green's presentation was poignant and persuasive on an issue that we cannot ignore as believers. He included relevant statistics, biblical truth, personal examples, and a powerful call to action. We are thankful that he was able to address our student body.

    — Glen Schaumloeffel, Vice President of College Relations & Dean of Students, Montana Bible College

  • [Reason for Life’s] pro-life training was beneficial in so many ways. Samuel taught us how to express the pro-life view compassionately and backed his statements with examples from God’s Word. I left this training with more tools in my toolbelt to effectively communicate on the pro-life topic with those who oppose the sanctity of life.

    — Robin Olsen, Chief Executive Director, Pregnancy Options Center of Warren County

  • My state is one of many facing a ballot initiative to enshrine abortion in our state constitution, so Samuel's presentation couldn't have been more timely. He provided a clear and concise message on the value of human life in the womb with solid Biblical examples our people could immediately utilize when speaking with those who may be ambivalent or even support abortion. We left feeling encouraged, energized, and better equipped to be a voice for the voiceless, the preborn.

    — Sharon Nason, Chair, ProLife Montana

  • I find Samuel Green's teaching and ministry extremely helpful in my efforts to protect and promote the life of those living in the womb to people of all beliefs and opinions. He quickly simplifies and logically explains the facts & proof that the unborn are unique precious souls, making it easy for me to spread the message. Green's tutelage is valuable to all regardless of what stage they are at in their views about protecting unborn children from abortion.

    — Joyce Ferguson

  • Reason for Life conducted a training for us in the Kansas City area recently, and it was a great success! The content offered something relevant for both new and seasoned pro-lifers. Attendees referred to the training as "informative," "interesting" and "inspiring."

    — Linda Verhulst, Operations Manager, Missouri Right to Life Western Region

  • Samuel Green came to speak at the University of Montana for our Students for Life group, and we enjoyed his visit immensely. He was extremely well informed on the pro-life issue, and he shared his knowledge with conviction and gentleness. I highly recommend him to other Students for Life groups!

    — Catherine Treis, President, University of Montana Students for Life

  • We had Mr. Green share his ministry with the high school students in our school. His presentation was grounded in Scripture, backed up with scientific reasoning, and very age-appropriate for our group. I would encourage anyone who works with teenagers to have them go through this session to view this topic through a Biblical lens.

    — Jay Cummins, Administrator, Heritage Christian School

  • Samuel’s heart as a Christian shines brightly, and, combined with his education and expertise as a lawyer, give him a well-rounded approach to pro-life work. He’s sharp, well-spoken, and proficient in life-related Scriptural and legal information. Without reservation, I recommend Samuel Green of Reason for Life to you.   

    — Robin Sertell, Chair, Montanans for Life

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  1. You can pray that the Lord guides and blesses our work.

  2. You can introduce us to your church or Christian school/college.

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